By THOD The Heart of Darkness (other events)

4 Dates Through Sep 28, 2013

Ghost School..   Every Saturday in September at the Heart of Darkness is Ghost School featuring ISIS (Iowa Spirit Investigation Services) .
Starting at 8pm the ISIS team will be teaching would be ghost hunters in the ways of paranormal investigation using the Newest Spiritual Detection Technology. The truly haunted Heartland Farms Will be the location Destination for what is sure to be an exciting time of “Hands on” Investigation fun. The proof is in the Pics (and EVPs)! In the past 3 years the Grounds of The Heart of Darkness has been investigated by both CVGH and ISIS and both have recorded some amazingly Supernatural stuff. Are you afraid of the unknown? Find out! Tickets at $30 per person with a limit of 15 persons per night. Spots fill up fast! Purchase tickets now.

Mailing Address

319 baltimore st Waterloo, IA 50701